2018年度的工工年會研討會將與Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers亞洲會議,以及全球華人工業工程與物流管理院系主任聯席會三合一舉辦。時間在10/18-20, 2018,地點在東海大學。歡迎您使用這個盛會與亞洲各國學者交流。也請協助廣發會議的信息給您海內外的相關同事。
會議的Call for Paper請見附件。相關的會議資訊請見 http://iise-asia2018.thu.edu.tw
Abstract submission is due on March 31 (2018 IISE Asia)
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that the 7th Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers Asian Conference to be held from 18 to 20 October 2018. It is a joint conference with The Council of Industrial Engineering Department Heads in Greater China, and 2018 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference. The conferences are located in Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan.
The conferences offer an engaging platform for researchers to share and communicate with each other the various cutting-edge topics of Industrial and System Engineering.
You are sincerely invited to submit your abstracts and papers to the conferences. Please check out the attached call-for-paper and the official web site http://iise-asia2018.thu.edu.tw for the dtails of the conference.
If you have any question about the conference, please do not hesitate to contact us at iise-asia2018@thu.edu.tw
We look forward to receiving your abstracts and papers, and welcoming you to the IISE Asian Conference.
Best regards,
2018 IISE Asian Conference Committees