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 > 最新消息 > 工業工程學會 > The 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2016)

【年會訊息】The 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2016)




The 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2016)


Joint with

The 3rd  East Asia Workshop on Industrial Engineering (EAWIE 2016)

2016 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference

Date: December 7-10, 2016

Venue: Howard Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan


Call for Papers

The 17th APIEMS conference, the premier industrial engineering and management systems conference in the Asia Pacific region, will be hosted by the National Taiwan University of Science & Technology (Taiwan Tech). It is the forum for exchange of ideas and discussion among leading experts from academia, industry, and government on the latest developments. It aims to seek opportunities for collaboration among the participants as well as to promote excellence among the fields. Papers will represent the latest academic thinking and successful case examples. The audience will benefit from the knowledge and experience from leading practitioners and academics in this area. The conference seeks research contributions from researchers, educators, modelers, software developers, users and practitioners.


Hosted By

·      Department of Industrial Management, National Taiwan University of Science & Technology (Taiwan Tech),

Taiwan (

Co-Organizing Institutes

·      Ministry of Science and Technology

·      Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Society (

·      Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers

·      National Taipei University of Technology (Taipei Tech)


Important Date

·         May 1, 2016

Deadline for Abstract Submission

·         June 1, 2016

Abstract Acceptance Notification

·         July 1, 2016

Deadline for Full Paper Submission

·         August 15,2016

Acceptance Announcement

·         September 1, 2016

Deadline for Camera Ready  Paper Submission

·         October 1, 2016

Deadline for Early Registration

·         December 7-10, 2016

Conference Date


Topics of Interest

·         Artificial Intelligence

·         Big Data Methodology and Applications

·         Cloud Computing and Application

·         Data Mining

·         Decision Modeling and Theory

·         Decision Support System and Expert System

·         Demand Chain Management

·         E-Business / Information Technology

·         Engineering Economy

·         Enterprise Resource Planning

·         Ergonomics / Human Factors

·         Evolutionary Algorithm

·         Financial Models and Engineering

·         Flexible Manufacturing System

·         Fuzzy Logic

·         Green Manufacturing / Management

·         Health Care System

·         Human-Computer Interaction

·         Industrial Automation

·         Industrial Engineering Education

·         Inventory Modeling and Management

·         Knowledge and Information Management

·         Lean Manufacturing

·         Logistics Management

·         Management Information System

·         Management of Technology and Innovation

·         Management Science

·         Managing Global Supply Network

·         Meta-heuristic

·         Operations Research

·         Optimization Technique

·         Probability and Statistical Modeling

·         Product Design and Development

·         Product Planning and Marketing

·         Production and Operations Management

·         Purchasing / Procurement Management

·         Quality Engineering and Management

·         Queuing Theory and Application

·         Reliability and Maintenance

·         Safety Engineering

·         Scheduling and Sequencing

·         Service Science / Management

·         Simulation

·         Supply Chain Management

·         Sustainable Management

·         Transportation

·         Uncertainty Theory

·         Communication Support

·         Tourism Management

·         Other Related Topics in IE/MS



Authors should submit the abstract and later the full paper in MS WORD document, maximum of 8 pages including figures and diagrams (Double Columns, font size 10) by accessing The first page of the paper must contain the title, names and affiliations of the authors, email address, and maximum five keywords/phrases, and identify the corresponding author by giving full contact information including the email address. The APIEMS conference proceedings and the IEMS journal are included in the SCOPUS and the Australian Index System. For further information, please feel free to contact the secretariat at

·         Contact



·         Conference Chair:

 Ching-Jong Liao (Taiwan Tech, Taiwan)

·         Conference Co-Chair:

 Bernard Jiang (Taiwan Tech, Taiwan)

·         Program Chair:

 Shu-Kai S. Fan (Taipei Tech, Taiwan)

·         International Advisory Board:

·         Bagus Arthaya (Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Indonesia)

·         Andi Cakravastia (Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia)

·         Hing Kai Chan (Nottingham University Business School China, China)

·         Che-Fu Chien (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)

·         Anthony Shun Fung Chiu (De La Salle University, Philippines)

·         Richard Y.K. Fung (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

·         JinWu Gao (Renmin University of China, China)

·         Mitsuo Gen (Waseda University, Japan)

·         Chin-Yi Huang (Tunghai University, Taiwan)

·         Guo Quan (George) Huang (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

·         Hark Hwang (KAIST, Korea)

·         Takashi Irohara (Sophia University, Japan)

·         Kazuyoshi Ishii (Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan)

·         Chi-Hyuck Jun (POSTECH, Korea)

·         Mooyoung Jung (UNIST,Korea)

·         Voratas Kachitvichyanukul (AIT, Thailand)

·         Byung-In Kim (POSTECH, Korea)

·         Kap Hwan Kim (Pusan National University, Korea)

·         Kwang-Jae Kim (POSTECH, Korea)

·         Hirokazu Kono (Keio University, Japan)

·         Erhan Kozan (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)

·         Kin Keung Lai (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

·         Jaewook Lee (Seoul National University, Korea)

·         Young Hae Lee (Hanyang University, Korea)

·         Baoding Liu (Tsinghua University, China)

·         Huynh Trung Luong (AIT, Thailand)

·         Kai Ling Mak (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

·         Ilkyeong Moon (Seoul National University, Korea)

·         Kenichi Nakashima (Kanagawa University, Japan)

·         Hidetaka Nambo (Kanazawa University, Japan)

·         Takashi Oyabu (Kokusai Business Gakuin College, Japan)

·         Jin Peng (Tsinghua University, China)

·         Ho Thanh  Phong (International University, Vietnam)

·         Nyoman Pujawan (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia)

·         Kanchana Sethanan (Khon Kaen University, Thailand)

·         Zahari Taha (Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia)

·         Kim Hua Tan (Nottingham University, Malaysia)

·         Katsuhiko Takahashi (Hiroshima University, Japan)

·         Kinya Tamaki (Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan)

·         Du-Ming Tsai (Yuan Ze University, Taiwan)

·         Kuo-Ming Wang (Yuan Ze University, Taiwan)

·         Mao Jiun Wang (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)

·         Yiming Wei (Beijing Institute of Technology, China)

·         David M.C. Wu (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)

·         Shanlin Yang (Hefei University of Technology, China)

·         Sha'ri bin Mohd Yusof (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia)

Organizing Committee

Chair: Fu-Kwun Wang (Taiwan Tech, Taiwan)


Chia-Fen Chi; Shuo-Yan Chou; Po-Hsun Kuo; Ren-Jieh Kuo; Chiang-Sheng Lee; Cheng-Jhe Lin; Chiuhsiang Joe Lin; Shi-Woei Lin; Shu-Chiang Lin; Yi-Kuei Lin; Shih-Che Lo; Eiji Mizutani; Chao Ou-Yang; Yu-Chung Tsao; Kung-Jeng Wang; Chao-Lung Yang; Ruey-Huei Yeh; Vincent F. Yu; Kuei-Hsiang Ma; Cian-Ci Shyu; Wan-Han Yu; Cheng-Fu Huang; Ping-Chen Chang (Taiwan Tech, Taiwan)

Wen-Hua Chang; Zhen-Hua Che; Hsieh-Ching Chen; Kai-Ying Chen; Chen-Yang Cheng; Chui-Yu Chiu; Chien-Yi Huang; Sheau-Farn Liang; Chih-Ping Lin; I-Chen Lin; Rong-Ho Lin; Jiann-Haw Liou; Chung-Cheng Lu; Fang-Chih Tien; Pei-Fang Tsai; Her-Shing Wang; Gwo-Donq Wu; Kuo-Ching Ying (Taipei Tech, Taiwan)

Yon-Chun Chou (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)

Ching-Jung Ting (Yuan Ze University, Taiwan)

Chien-Chih Wang (Ming Chi University, Taiwan)

Kuo-Ping Lin ; Chih-Hung Jen (Lung Hwa University, Taiwan)

聯 繋




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Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE)

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