一、 徵聘職級:專任助理教授以上
二、 徵聘員額:一名
三、 起聘時間:民國 106 年 8 月 1 日起聘
四、 應徵資格:需於起聘前獲得教育部認可之博士學位者
五、 研究專長領域:
(1) 工業管理相關領域者
(2) 具有中文及英語授課能力者
六、 應徵資料:
(1) 履歷表(含姓名、出生年月日、性別、通訊處、聯絡電話[日、夜、行動]、e-mail
(2) 大學、碩士、博士之學位證明及成績單正式影本
(3) 博士論文及最近五年重要學術研究著作抽印本
(4) 推薦信三封
(5) 著作目錄(已接受但尚未出版之著作,請附 DOI)
(6) 研究專長
(7) 可開授之課程名稱
(8) 博士學位證書影本或博士學位口試通過後證明書或請指導教授提出能於
106 年 8 月 1 日前畢業之證明。
(9) 其他相關資料(研究興趣、教學哲學說明)
七、 截止日期:民國 106 年 2 月 28 日
八、 應徵者請依序裝訂上述資料,並於截止日期前以掛號寄達紙本文件(恕不接受
『70101 台南市大學路 1 號 國立成功大學工業與資訊管理學系 胡政宏老師收』
系辦公室聯絡人:游小姐 tel:06-2757575 轉 53700
The Department of Industrial and Information Management, National Cheng Kung
University invites applicants for one tenure-track assistant professor position in the
industrial management related areas beginning fall semester in 2017.
Applicants are expected to conduct publishable research in academic journals, to
supervise undergraduate and graduate students, to teach courses in Chinese and English,
and to actively participate in department/school activities. Interested applicants should
send the following application materials including:
(1) Resume
(2) Certified undergraduate and graduate degrees and transcripts
(3) One copy of the PhD dissertation
(4) Three recommendation letters
(5) Publication list
(6) Research expertise
(7) Courses to be offered
(8) Supplemental materials
The application deadline is February 28, 2017. All the documents must be sent to:
Dr. Hu, Cheng-Hung, Department of Industrial and Information Management, National
Cheng Kung University, 1 University Road, Tainan, 70101, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Notice that the materials received will not be returned after the recruiting process.
General information are available from
Inquiries can be also directed to grace54@mail.ncku.edu.tw.