2017 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII2017)
Special Session on
“Complex Systems Simulation and Decision Making in the Era of High Performance and Cloud Computing”
organized by
Principal Organizer: Prof.GIULIA PEDRIELLI (giulia.pedrielli@asu.edu) Arizona State University , USA
Organizer 1: Dr. HAOBIN LI (lihb@ihpc.a-star.edu.sg) Institute of High Performance Computing A*STAR
Organizer 2: Prof.CHUN-HUNG CHEN (cchen9@gmu.edu) George Mason University , USA
Call for Papers
Theme: The recent developments in high performance computing architectures, including cloud computing,provide an opportunity to parallelize simulation and decision making processes. This is a key when systems of interest are highly complex for both number of components as well as the interactions among them. We invite contributions in, but not confined to, the following subject areas:
1. Methodologies for distributing large scale simulation models in a parallel / cloud computing environment.
2. Dynamic/Adaptive allocation of computing resources in the parallel / cloud environment.
3. Search algorithms that utilize the advantages of parallel computing devices such as multi-core CPU, GPU, and supercomputers.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Distributed and Parallel Simulation
Distributed and Parallel optimization with interest in large scale problems
High Performance Computing applied to simulation and optimization
Cloud Computing applied to simulation and optimization
Advanced search algorithms for non linear large scale problems
Dynamic adaptive computing resource allocation in cloud computing environment
Submissions Procedure:
All the instructions for paper submission are included in the conference website http://www.sii2017.org . A good quality paper may be considered for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics subjects to further rounds of review
Reception of full paper: June 30, 2017
Paper acceptance notification: September 20, 2017
Camera ready paper reception: October 20, 2017