【學術活動】International Conference of Service Science and Innovation (ICSSI2018) and Serviceology(ICServ2018)


The meaning of “SERVICE +” has three folds: First, it refers to “A+”, indicating pursuing excellence in service R&D; Secondly, it implies that service has become a “plus” for everything and everyone, and; Thirdly, for the first time, two major institutes in service research in Asia co-host an academic conference, manifesting a new era for development of tertiary industries.
Papers to be accepted should fit at least one of the following attributes:
· Science – service management, service X-logy (ontology, epistemology, methodology) etc.
· Engineering - service engineering, smart systems, IoT, VR/AR, autonomy, etc.
· Reinventing – service innovation, service design, service tools, intellectual property, etc.
· Value – service value, knowledge, performance, business, industry, government, environment, etc.
· Integration – service mindset, theories, procedures, technologies, industries, etc.
· Co-creation – with users, employees, clients, governments, international providers, etc.
· Economy - experience economy, sharing economy, circular economy, creative economy, etc.
· +(plus) – emerging concepts (ex: artificial humanity) or things that are relevant to service.
All submissions will be in format of extended abstract (250-500 words) with optional figures and tables. Once accepted, the authors can choose one of the following formats to prepare the final camera ready:
Full paper (8-10 pages), Short paper (4-6 pages), and Poster paper (up to 4 pages). A mentor will be assigned to review a full paper and to provide feedbacks for refinement.
website: icssi.s3tw.org.tw
地址:11047 台北市信義區信義路五段106號10樓