ISSAT 2020 研討會 台灣學者投稿可寬延至2020.03.15
「26th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in design」將於2020年8月6-8日於美國邁阿密舉行。只要是關於「品質」、「可靠度」或「維修」方面的論文皆歡迎投稿。台灣地區學者可只準備「半頁摘要」直接email投稿yklin@nctu.edu.tw,截稿時間可延至2020年3月15日。於後續獲得大會發給的接受函後將再另行通知全文的格式。優良論文將被推薦至Annals of Operations Research (SCI)或International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering(EI)。您也可以參考大會網站http://www.issatconferences.org
本次與主題為資料科學的研討會同時舉辦: ISSAT International Conference on Data Science and Intelligent Systems,也歡迎投稿,細節請詳閱網站。特別歡迎四篇以上之論文組成討論會(Session)投稿,請提供Session主題以及包含之論文摘要即可。若有其他問題,歡迎不吝詢問。
林義貴 敬邀
Program Chair, ISSAT 2020 RQD Conference
講座教授,國立交通大學 工業工程與管理學系 電機工程學系
26th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in design
August 6-8, 2020
Miami, Florida, USA
Sponsored by the International Society of Science and Applied Technologies (ISSAT)
Outstanding papers will be considered for publication in the special issues of the Annals of Operations Research (SCI indexed) and the International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering (EI indexed). We will organize a group departing from Taiwan to attend the ISSAT 2020 conference.
TOPICS OF INTEREST (Not limited to)
Quality in Education
Network Reliability
Computer and Web Quality
Software Reliability and Testing
Web Performance
Performance Analysis
Software and Algorithms
Design Issue in Manufacturing
Quality Planning and Measurement
Maintainability and Availability
Robust Design
Process Control and Management
Quality Engineering
Total Quality Management
Modeling Analysis and Simulation
Methodologies for Quality Control
Process Control and Management
Experimental Design for Quality Control
Authors are encouraged to organize a session in topics related to the conference. Interested session organizers are requested to submit a proposal, including the title of session, titles of articles, a list of the participating authors and their affiliation.
The half-page abstract or full paper should be submitted electronically in pdf or Word format by March 15, 2020 to
Yi-Kuei Lin
Chair Professor
Program Chair of ISSAT 2020 Conference
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
National Chiao Tung University
Hsinchu 300, TAIWAN
Email: yklin@nctu.edu.tw
Just a kind reminder: If you choose to submit the manuscript to Conference Secretary at rqd@issatconferences.org, the due date will be February 15, 2020.
Manuscript must be submitted no later than March 15, 2020
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection March 31, 2020
Camera Ready Papers & Registration Due May 15, 2020
Please feel free to contact Yi-Kuei Lin (Email: yklin@nctu.edu.tw ) if any questions.